We have immersed our lives in the accumulation of rainforest understanding …
… to provide you with the most horizon-broadening rainforest revelations possible
Learn about Daintree World Heritage inhabitancy in this new frontier of living conservation management. Inscribed onto the World Heritage List in December 1988, Australia’s successful nomination included an ambitious element of privately-held rainforest compulsorily included, without regard for tenure and existing land-use entitlements. By crossing artificial boundaries to conserve rainforest of the highest biological significance, we, the Hewett Family, agree that the challenges of three-decades of World Heritage inhabitancy in the Daintree Rainforest have contributed to a unique perspective and lifestyle that aspires to the ideals and achievements of Australia’s indigenous cultures, enriched by a love of the rainforest and an ever-expanding grasp of information, sensations and experiences. Three generations reside in the heart of the most diverse rainforest in Australia and accept the life-changes that this single decision made, not just to our lives, but also on the importance of this decision to future generations. Surrounded by public facilities providing free rainforest access, we are obliged to develop ‘excellence and exclusivity’ that will attract altruistic travellers to support our conservation management requirements.
Our quest has taken us outside the boundaries of traditional learning, beyond the realms of conventional governance and exposed us to an unlimited resource, the world’s oldest rainforest in its central and most biologically-diverse portion of the Daintree Rainforest. Liberated from contemporary disciplines, we have been free to explore our environment through personal observations, supplemented by electronic media, books and the generous assistance of Traditional Indigenous custodians, specialists and visitors, all bearing a wealth of information and good will. We present the genuine rainforest, including the people who are integral to the environment, as the apex species with responsibilities revealed through sustained inhabitancy. Our interpretation celebrates three-decades of World Heritage protection and management and tens of thousands of years of Kuku Yalanji Indigenous custodianship and kinship. We represent a return of humanity into the environment and a humble acknowledgement of our place within our Country.
Under the expert interpretation of long-term inhabitant guides, Cooper Creek Wilderness provides genuine ecotourism experiences with exclusive World Heritage access to the centrepiece of the oldest rainforest in the world. Cooper Creek Wilderness occupies a superior location at the heart of the world’s oldest rainforest, 20-km north of the Daintree River along the Cape Tribulation Road.
This outstanding area of old-growth rainforest profiles all the refugial attributes of rarity, primitiveness and endemism that met all four of UNESCO’s natural heritage criteria for World Heritage-listing. Relieved of the broad-scale impacts of commercial logging, which the majority portion of Crown estate carries, this privately-protected property retains exceptional integrity.
Three generations of human inhabitants have accrued a tremendous breadth and depth of rainforest knowledge for management and presentation advantages. The unprecedented decision to compulsorily-inscribe human inhabitants into this World Heritage role is an experiment that has achieved three-decades of self-sustaining, ecotourism-funded success.
Our people
Angie Hewett
Neil Hewett
Prue Hewett