Daintree Rainforest frogs
Daintree Rainforest Frogs of Cooper Creek Wilderness include the world’s ancestral (Hylid) tree frog stock, Microhylids, Myobatrachids and Rana stock.
Magnificently concealed for the greater part of the year, Daintree Rainforest frogs emerge in their thousands on the nights that bring mating opportunities that have been delayed by drought. On such nights, in the teeming tropical deluge, the greater abundance of Daintree Rainforest frogs can be best appreciated. The list (below) contains the inhabitant species of Cooper Creek Wilderness:
Frogs (Salientia)
Tree Frogs (Hylidae)
Common Mist Frog (Litoria rheocola)
Dainty Green Tree Frog (Litoria gracilenta)
Green-eyed Tree Frog (Litoria genimaculata)
Giant (White-lipped) Tree Frog (Litoria infrafrenata)
Northern Stoney Creek Tree Frog (Litoria jungguy)
Orange-thighed Tree Frog (Litoria xanthomera)
Australian Lace-lid (Nyctimystes dayi)
Southern Frogs (Myobatrachidae)
Northern Barred Frog (Mixophyes schevilli)
Sharp-snouted Torrent Frog (Taudactylus acutirostris)
True Frogs (Ranidae)
Wood Frog, Water Frog or Australian Bull Frog (Rana daemeli)
Narrow-mouthed Frogs (Microhylidae)
Elegant Frog (Cophixalus concinnus)
Fry’s Frog (Sphenophryne fryi)
True Toads (Bufonidae) (Introduced)
Cane Toad (Bufo marinus)