
1502, 2025

Camera Traps – January 2025

By |February 15th, 2025|Categories: News|0 Comments

Camera Traps - January 2025 accrued 193-cassowaries, 116-dingoes and 393-feral pigs.  Against the cumulative monthly average, cassowary numbers increased by 91%, dingoes soared by 182% and feral-pig numbers doubled.  Against January 2024, cassowaries rose by 79%, dingoes increased [...]

1411, 2024

Camera Traps – October 2024

By |November 14th, 2024|Categories: News|0 Comments

Camera Traps - October 2024 accrued 27-cassowaries, 27-dingoes and 197-feral pigs.  Against the cumulative monthly average, cassowary numbers fell by 83%, dingo numbers decreased by 42% and feral-pig numbers increased by 2.5%.  Against October 2023, cassowary sightings fell [...]

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    The Company aims to protect, conserve and present World Heritage environmental and cultural values and to exemplify cost-effective and sustainable ecotourism and habitation within the centrepiece of the world’s oldest rainforest.
    he Company, trading as Cooper Creek Wilderness, has sculptured a unique ecotourism enterprise that achieves the aims of the mission statement, within the constraints of World Heritage legislation. Through its culture and dedication to research and presentation, Cooper Creek Wilderness has accumulated unique information and evidence of exceptional values that contribute to its World Heritage recognition, and demonstrate the importance of humankind to conservation and presentation of the environment.
    We will uphold the primary goal of the World Heritage Convention and will promote ideals of protection and conservation through an ecotourism partnership with ethical travellers, students of science and natural history and lovers of Nature who want to make a difference. Our role is not only to present natural and cultural values, but to transmit these values to future generations, so that there is a growth in biodiversity and appreciation of Daintree Rainforest.

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    As long-time lovers of rain forest and the tranquility it always brings, we were not expecting to be so overwhelmed by the sheer majesty and antiquity of the rain forest that you so carefully preserve and so obviously revere. The visual impact was enhanced by the generous sharing of knowledge you have acquired during your stewardship of this wondrous place, making it the best four hours of our lives; it was like being transported back through time. The bonus of it all was your descriptions of the relationship between that most ancient of peoples, the original Aboriginal inhabitants of this place, and the myriad plants, insects and animals that inhabit it - if that knowledge is ever lost it will be tragedy on a scale that is hard to measure. If I never experience the joy and wonderment of a rain forest again I will leave this life feeling utterly satisfied. We can only wish that others will take this unique opportunity to experience something that can be found nowhere else. Thank you again for the experience and for being the carer of that wonderful and wondrous piece of this planet.”
    Ken and Rae - South Australia

    Contact Info

    2333 Cape Tribulation Road, Diwan Q. 4873

    Phone: +61 7 40989126

    Web: Cooper Creek Wilderness

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