Camera Traps – October 2023
Camera Traps - October 2023 accrued 54-cassowaries, 27-dingoes and 484-feral pigs. Against the cumulative monthly average, cassowary numbers fell by 50%, as did dingo numbers by 34%, whereas feral-pig numbers soared by 312%. Against October 2022, cassowary sightings [...]
Camera Traps – September 2023
Camera Traps - September 2023 accrued 28-cassowaries, 81-dingoes and 550-feral pigs. Against the cumulative monthly average, cassowary numbers fell by 74%, whilst dingoes rose by 198% and feral-pig numbers exploded by 372%. Against September 2022, cassowary sightings were [...]
Camera Traps – August 2023
Camera Traps - August 2023 accrued 73-cassowary sightings, 100-dingoes and 357-feral pigs. Against the cumulative monthly average, cassowary numbers fell by 34%, whilst dingo-sightings rose by 250% and feral-pig numbers also grew by 258%. Against August 2022, cassowary [...]
Camera Traps – July 2023
Camera Traps - July 2023 accrued 130-cassowary sightings, 68-dingoes and 305-feral pigs. Against the cumulative monthly average, cassowary numbers rose by 17%, whilst dingo-sightings fell by 39% and feral-pig numbers grew by 128%. Against July 2022, cassowaries were [...]
Camera Traps – June 2023
Camera Traps - June 2023 accrued 109-cassowary sightings, 66-dingoes and 174-feral pigs. Against the cumulative monthly average, cassowary numbers fell by less than 2%, whilst dingo-sightings increased by 174% and feral-pig numbers also grew by 134%. Against June [...]
Camera Traps – May 2023
Camera Traps - May 2023 accrued 91-cassowary sightings, 47-dingoes and 153-feral pigs. Against the cumulative monthly average, cassowary numbers dropped by 18%, dingoes increased by 26% and feral-pig numbers also rosed by 23%. Against May 2022, cassowaries were [...]
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